Shops and Restaurants
Shiramine is full of unique foods and souvenirs that utilize locally grown products. See what shops and restaurants are available, and where to find them!
Enjoy yakiniku fried meat, noodles, rice bowls, and more. Inari Udon (udon noodles with sweet tofu) is the specialty dish of this restaurant. You can also try game meat such as bear, wild boar, and deer.
This restaurant is run by a very old lady, so sudden or early closure can be expected. Please call if you wish to dine after 6pm.
Open: 11:00 - about 19:00
Closed: Tuesdays; Irregular
Phone: 076- 259-2056
Yukidaruma Snowman Cafe
Located in a historical building over 100 years old, run by a young local of Shiramine. Here you can enjoy home cooked local dishes, as well as a dam curry! In the evening you can enjoy a different menu with a more cosy vibe.
Opening hours may change unexpectedly. Check their instagram for up to date information.
Open: 11:00 - 15:00 and 17:00 to 21:00
Closed: Thursday
Free Wifi Available
Phone: 076-259-2071
Motte-ke! Shiramine
Motte-ke is a fully automated convenience store. After registering your credit card into the designated application, you can purchase items without any need for cash, cards, or your phone. Simply use the facial recognition device to enter the store, and any items taken out of the store will be charged to your credit card.
Open: 24/7
*This store in unmanned. Registration is required in advance to enter the store.
*A Japanese mobile phone number is required to create an account.
Herbal Shop Kinoshita
Here you can buy typical drug store medicines and daily goods, but you can also buy local herbal tea. Herbal tea has been drunk in Shiramine since long ago, and can still be enjoyed today for their tasty and healthy benefits.
Open: 7:00 - about 20:00
Closed: Irregularly
Phone: 076-259-2020
Shinsa is one of two places in Shiramine that sell homemade tochi-mochi (horse chestnut rice cake).
Tochi-mochi has been eaten by the people of Shiramine since ancient times. Tochi-mochi has a delicate flavour, and is full of healthy minerals and vitamins.
You can also buyhomemade cakes, and general snacks here too.
Open: 8:00 - 19:30
Closed: Tuesday (sometimes closes irregularly)
Phone: 076-259-2030